Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Local Hero" Programs for Farms, Crafts and School Fund Raisers

This winter Bug Hill Fruit and Flower Farm will participate in our first winter "farmer's markets" in Ashfield, Northampton and Greenfield, Mass: winter fares

However, Winter Fares began this season with a first: instead of the usual school fund raising catalogues featuring trinkets imported from China or wrapping paper that nobody really wants, the local school and local business people decided to create a local foods & crafts catalogue. If this model spreads to other communities and other schools throughout the country, look out Wal-Mart! In our small town of Ashfield, sales totaled $20,000 - dollars that went to local craftspeople and farmers and dollars that stayed in the community! $6,000 of those dollars went directly to the school, more money than it had ever raised in previous catalogues of imported goods.

Be a local hero in your community and start promoting local farms and crafts in your next school fund raising catalogue!

1 comment:

  1. I think your understanding of the world and our place in it is very full dimensioned and grateful. Thank you for posting your blog and for making Bughill elixirs. I had mine with Walter C. ! I am also glad that the Carrot project recognized the value of Bhill!!

    Best to you.

    Deb Carey
